Chris Kielb, President of Advance Welding, Elected to the Board of Directors of the ACM (Aerospace Components Manufacturers)

Posted by Chris Kielb on Jun 3, 2021 2:06:01 PM

Chris Kielb, President of Advance Welding, is excited to announce that he has been elected to the Board of Directors of the ACM (Aerospace Components Manufacturers).  

Aerospace Components Manufacturers

About ACM

Get what you want every time -- from the world-class companies of ACM.

ACM is a non-profit regional network of independent Connecticut and southwestern Massachusetts based aerospace companies. Our mission is to attract the global aerospace industry to this, The World's Aerospace Alley!®, where ACM member firms form a unique industrial cooperative of long-established aerospace manufacturers, processors and suppliers, offering a cost-effective supply chain that exceeds customer expectations.  Working together as a network, member companies collectively offer broader capabilities than they could as individuals. TOGETHER, a WORLD OF EXPERTISE!

ACM member companies are united by a single goal: Be the world leader in providing customers with aerospace components of unsurpassed quality, competitive prices, and on-time delivery.

To achieve that goal, we work with our peers and with regional, national, and international experts to ensure continuous improvement of our products and services. The cornerstone of our efforts is an aggressive program for adopting and implementing lean enterprise practices and conducting ongoing workforce training and development.

ACM means:

  • The most cost effective manufacturing - meeting the requirements of the worldwide aerospace industry with products and services of unsurpassed quality.
  • Fast turnaround times - always meeting customer delivery requirements.
  • Multi-company teaming - providing added value and enhanced procurement and logistics savings for the customer.
  • Customer's savings in supplier management - eliminate the need to send representatives on repeated trips checking on isolated suppliers; now, a wide range of vendors can be monitored in a single location.

You can learn more about ACM here!


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