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Welcome to Advance Welding
For over four decades, Advance Welding has served its clients in the aircraft industry with the highest quality aerospace and mil-spec welding and metal fabrication services.
Advance Welding provides Aerospace Nadcap Accredited Welding services to AWS D17.1, AWS D17.2, and Mil-Spec Standards including MIL-STD-2219.
Our Aircraft Welding and Nadcap Approved and Mil-Spec welding services include:
- Aerospace Nadcap Accredited and Mil-Spec Fusion (GTAW) Welding
- Aerospace Nadcap Accredited and Mil-Spec Robotic (GTAW) Welding
- Aerospace Nadcap Accredited and Mil-Spec Resistance (Spot) Welding
- Aerospace Nadcap Accredited and Mil-Spec Orbital Welding
- Aerospace Nadcap Accredited and Mil-Spec Micro-TIG Welding
- Stress Relieving (including Heat Treat Furnace with Argon Atmosphere)
- Fabricating – Bending/Rolling/Forming
Advance Welding
150 Brookdale Drive
Springfield, MA 01104
This certificate expiration is updated based on periodic audits. The current expiration date and scope of accreditation are listed at : www.eAudiNet.com – Online QML (Qualified Manufacturer Listing).
In recognition of the successful completion of the PRI evaluation process, accreditation is granted to this facility to perform the following:
AC7110 Rev F – Nadcap Audit Criteria for Welding/Torch and Induction Brazing and Additive Manufacturing (This is required for all Welding/Torch and Induction Brazing and Additive Manufacturing audits)
AC7110/4 Rev H – Nadcap Audit Criteria for Resistance Welding (Spot, Seam, Projection)
Baseline (All audits)
Spot Welding – sheet (identify if this process is used)
Supplement B – Shear Testing (Additional requirements)
Supplement F – Metallographic Evaluation of Resistance Welds (Qualification and/or Process Control) (Additional requirements)
AC7110/4S Rev F – Nadcap Supplemental Audit Criteria for Resistance Welding
UOO None
AC71105 Rev H – Nadcap Audit Criteria for Fusion Welding
Baseline (All audits)
Supplement D – Material – Additional requirements for titanium welding
Supplement E – Foundry in–process completion / repair welding of castings (Additional Requirements)
Supplement F – Filler Materials (Additional requirements)
Supplement G – Processes using Gas (For example GTAW, PAW) (Additional requirements) Supplement H – Preheat / Interpass temperature control (Additional requirements)
Supplement I – Stress Relieve (Additional requirements)
Supplement J – Tack Welding (Additional requirements)
AC7110/5S Rev E - Nadcap Supplemental Audit Criteria for Fusion Welding
U10 GE Aviation
AC7110/12 Rev F - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Welder/Welding Operator Qualification
(This checklist is required if the audit includes AC7110/3, /5 or /6)
Baseline (All audits)
AC7110/12S Rev H - Nadcap Supplemental Audit Criteria for Welder/Welding Operator Qualification
(This checklist is required if the audit includes AC7110/3, /5 or /6)
U10 GE Aviation
Nadcap Certified Aerospace Welding Services
GTAW per AWS D17.1, Cl. A, B, C
GTAW per MIL-STD-2219, Cl. A, B, C
GTAW per AMS-STD-2219, Cl. A, B, C
GTAW per NAVSEA S9074-AR-GIB-010/278
GTAW per NAVSEA S9074-AQ-GIB-010/248
GTAW per MIL-W-22248
GTAW per AMS 2685
GTAW per AMS 2694
GTAW per CPW 24 (Pratt & Whitney Canada)
GTAW per HS191 (Hamilton Sundstrand-UTAS)
GTAW per PN05.15 (Hamilton Sundstrand-UTAS)
GTAW per P8TF3 (GE Aviation)
GTAW per P8TF11 (GE Aviation)
GTAW per P21TF6 (GE Aviation)
GTAW per WS33739 (Raytheon)
GTAW per A10458 (General Dynamics)
GTAW per 12479550 (General Dynamics)
GTAW per AWS D1.1
GTAW per AWS D1.2
GTAW per AWS D1.6
Nadcap Certified Resistance Welding
Resistance Spot Welding per AMS-W-6858
Resistance Spot Welding per AMS-W-6858, Cl. B, C (General Dynamics)
Resistance Spot Welding per MIL-W-6858
Resistance Spot Welding per AWS D17.2
Resistance Spot Welding per AWS D17.2, Cl. B, C (Raytheon)
Certified Quality Systems
FAA Repair Station
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certified
ITAR (DDTC) registered
General Dynamics
Collins Aerospace (Hamilton Sundstrand) (UTAS)
Pratt & Whitney Canada
GE Aviation
Parker Aerospace
Advance Welding is a precision aerospace welding and brazing industry leader. Our many customer approvals and qualifications are a testament to our broad range of capabilities and experience. We continue to adapt and expand our capacity and capability through updating our facility, adding leading-edge equipment and technology, and enriching our employee training with continuous improvement.
Advance Welding’s Aerospace Welding Approvals
Collins Aerospace
Advance Welding is a proud approved supplier of Nadcap Accredited Aerospace and Defense Welding and Brazing Services to Collins Aerospace (formerly UTC Aerospace Systems/Hamilton Sundstrand). An approved supplier since 1992, Advance Welding has partnered directly with Collins and indirectly through many machine shops throughout the United States.
Process: Aerospace GTAW
AMS 2685, Gr. B
AMS 2694
MIL-STD-2219, CL. B
MIL-STD-2219, Cl. C
AWS D17.1
NAVSEA S9074-AR-GIB-010/278, Cl. M-2, Cat. B
NAVSEA S9074-AR-GIB-010/278, Cl. P-1
HS191, Cl. 1A
HS191, Cl. 1B
HS191, Cl. 1C
HS191, Cl. 2A
HS191, Cl. 2B
HS191, Cl. 3
Process: Aerospace Resistance Welding
AWS D17.2
Process: Aerospace Brazing
AWS C3.4
AWS C3.5
GE Aviation
Advance Welding has supported General Electric’s (GE) welding requirements since 1987. Approvals are for GTAW-MA (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding-Manual).
Process Code: CF
P8TF3 - Gas Tungsten Arc, Gas Metal Arc and Plasma Arc Welding
P8TF11 – Gas Tungsten Arc, Gas Metal Arc and Plasma Arc Welding
P21TF6 – In-Process Welding of Castings
Sikorsky-Lockheed Martin Company
Advance Welding is an approved supplier of Nadcap Accredited Aerospace and Defense Welding Services to Sikorsky-Lockheed Martin. Our approvals include: GTAW- Fusion Welding and Resistance Welding.
Process: Aerospace Welding
AWS D17.1, Cl. A, B, C
Process: Aerospace Resistance Welding
AWS D17.2, Cl. B & C, Group 2
Parker Aerospace Group
Advance Welding is an approved process supplier of Nadcap Accredited Aerospace Welding Services to Parker Aerospace (Parker Hannifin Corp.).
Process: Aerospace Welding
AMS 2694
Triumph Group
Advance Welding is an approved supplier of Nadcap Accredited Aerospace Welding Services to Triumph Engine Control Systems. Our approval includes GTAW fusion welding.
Process: Aerospace Welding
AWS D17.1
Advance Welding is an approved supplier of Nadcap Accredited Aerospace and Defense Welding and Brazing Services to Raytheon. Our company history and proven ability to meet the high standards of quality, affordability and performance are a perfect fit for a successful partnership with Raytheon.
Process: Aerospace GTAW
AWS D17.1, Cl. A,B,C
Process: Aerospace Resistance Welding
AWS D17.2, Cl. B & C
Process: Aerospace Brazing
AWS C3.4

General Dynamics
Ordnance and Tactical Systems (OTS)
Mission Systems (MS)
Advance Welding is an approved supplier to General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems. Advance Welding has supported General Dynamics OTS’s metal joining requirements since 1998.
Process: Welding
AWS D1.1 Steel Structural Welding
AWS D1.2 Aluminum Structural Welding
AWS D1.6 Stainless Steel Structural Welding
AWS D17.1 Welding for Aerospace
MIL-STD-2219 Fusion Welding for Aerospace Requirements
12479550 Ground Combat Vehicle Welding Code
A10458 Process for Fusion Welding
Process: Brazing
AWS A3.4 Torch Brazing
MIL-B-7883, Type 1 Torch Brazing
MIL-B-7883, Type III Induction Brazing
Process: Resistance Welding
AMS-W-6858, Group 2, Cl. B
AMS-W-6858, Group 2, Cl. C
NAVSEA Welding Services
Process: Welding
S9074-AQ-GIB-010/248 (MIL-STD-248)
S9074-AR-GIB-010/278 (MIL-STD-278)
FAA Repair Station since 2010
Repair Station #X9WR118N
Limited Accessories
Limited Airframe
Limited Powerplant
EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency)
US Approval Certificate # EASA.145.6739
Advance Welding is accredited with merit for Nadcap Fusion Welding, Resistance Welding, Torch and Induction Brazing. We have been Nadcap accredited since 2006.
AS9100/ISO 9001
Advance Welding has established and maintains a quality management system for Welding, Brazing, Heat Treating, Metal Fabrication and Finishing for Various Industries. AS9100/ISO9001 approved since 2006.